Setting up your domain for Yandex.Mail Service
If you’re looking for a hosted email solution for your own domain name then you’ve come to the right place!
Most of the big companies are offering paid solutions for businesses, like Gmail and Outlook. But their pricing starts from 5$ month and that’s not a good deal for us who are bloggers, personal website owners etc.
But there is a free service offered by Yandex, a known Russian company which operates in many countries, not only Russia. And there is how you can forward your email DNS records to Yandex and start using as a service.
First of all, go to ->
Start by connecting your domain.
After you enter your domain name they will want verify your ownership over the domain. Similar to ‘Google Analytics’ verification. Complete the verification steps, it’s simple.
If your website hosted on a Linux server, simply use the cat command. Looks like this. You can save your file with ctrl + d when you’re done wtih it.
cat > /var/www/html/givenFileName.html
Alternatively you can use any FTP client too.
Now you have 2 option:
1. Delegate your domain to Yandex
2. Set up MX records
If you proceed with 1st step, you don’t need to do any additional configuration, Yandex will handle the rest. But it will also move your all nameservers into Yandex servers and I don’t want it(probably you also).
We will go through 2nd way in this tutorial and forward our MX records only. So we can use our domain like before, only the DNS records which handle the email protocols will change. To do that go your domain panel, in our case I’m using GoDaddy as a provider.
Go to DNS setting than add a new MX record, fill like below(My control panel in Turkish lang. But setting will be similar).
It usually takes few seconds to update in GoDaddy but would take long in others, depend on your provider.
Now go back to Yandex, it will check your MX records. If your records are successfully updated and correct you can continue new step, which you can create your email account and define your password.
You can now access your emails over Yandex servers, you can use your email in any app without any additional configuration(Some apps may need POP/IMAP configurations, use Yandex’s configurations).
Happy mailing!